• Link by concept rather than by exact match. I will often explicitly have a See also: (some concept) link somewhere if I feel two subjects are closely associated. Linking new knowledge to existing knowledge makes it easy to remember. This has helped me find really cool connections on numerous occasions.
  • Name notes to be as simple as possible. I prefer using verbs or nouns to make it easier to link concepts and thoughts.
  • Good search matters a lot. When I search, I usually don’t know the exact name of the thing I’m looking for, otherwise, why would I be searching for it in the first place? I use search as an entry-point into a single node, then recall by associativity rather than by indexing. But having a good entry-point can make or break my flow into finding what I’m looking for.
  • Try to only add notes to the Digital Garden that link to content that already exist. This prevents storing irrelevant information and helpts link new concepts to already gathered notes.